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Work: Work

In Joy

Food Delivery Mobile App

My role : UX Designer

Challenge : Create a delivery app for technology newbies. 

Solution : Simple and clear instructions for users to view and finish the process.


To make sure what the users' needs and wants, an online survey was conducted after users complete the checkout process.

Research Goal

  • Can users easily finish the process, from ordering to checkout successfully?

  • Why the technology newbies will like to use this app?

  • Does the app truly satisfy users in the way they want?

Research Methodology

Five participants take the online survey.

  • Age : 40 - 60

  • Demographic : Taiwan

  • Education : High school graduate - College graduate

Users are questioned :

  • Is the app easy to use?

  • Can you clearly see the navigation of delivery address?

  • Can you easily browse through different items?

  • Can you search for certain stores?

  • Do you have hard time to add items into your cart?

  • Is it easy to complete the payment process?


Insights :

  • Participants have hard time to browse through different options.

  • Participants have hard time search for specific stores.

Design Concept

To make the app easy to browse and search with a clean and clear layouts. Minimal, Simple, elegant, Attractive


At the early stage of design, focusing on placing plenty of images can be attractive to users.

Minimizing useless words and sentences and avoiding confusing icons and instructions are more friendly to users who are not familiar to food delivery app.

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Apply as less colors as possible to not distract users from the images. Simplify instructions and descriptions to make the process easier to complete is the primary goal.



Other than main pages, Home/ Menu/ Categorized menu/ Item details/ Order summary/ Order completed. The app also includes Account pages and navigation of delivery bar, which can use to locate users, search for specific address and estimate delivery time and fee.  

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Responsive Website

wireframes & Prototypes

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Final Main Pages

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