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Le Soleil

Fancy bakery website design

My role : Graphic designer / UX designer

Challenge : Target users who are more likely to spend more money and time on a fancy bakery website to have items delivered to their indicated address or people.

Solution : Create a website that meets users' expectation which is decent and upscale, and also, convenient.


To collect what the users' needs and wants, an online survey was conducted after users complete the checkout process.

Research Goal

  • Can the website make users feel the same as shopping at the physical stores?

  • Do users feel convenient to use the website while browsing different items? 

  • Can users complete the order process and have items delivered to them?

Research Methodology

Five participants take the online survey.

  • Age : 30 - 50

  • Demographic : New York, United States

  • Education : Undergraduate - Graduate

Users are questioned :

  • Is the website easy to use?

  • Does the website make you feel you are nicely treated?

  • Can you find the instructions clear enough?

  • Can you easily browse through different items?

  • Do you have hard time to add items into your cart?

  • Is it easy to complete the payment process?

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Insights :

  • Participants have hard time to complete checkout process.

User Journey​

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Design Concept

High-class and fancy.

Easy and clear instructions.

Logo Design

The logo represents the sun.

Minimal and classic to meet the brand identity.



At the early stage of design, focusing on checkout page. Simplify the layouts and make instructions clear for users to complete the process easily.

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Apply as less colors as possible to not distract users from the images. Simplify instructions and descriptions to make the process easier to complete is the primary goal.

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The website contains large images to drag users' attention. And its featured page plays important role since the store likes to attract users to the gift shop in the page. The website also includes Menu and About pages.

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Final Main Pages


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Featuring item

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